Preservation and Interpretation


The Thomas James Store is one of the most significant examples of historic architecture in Mathews County. Not only is it architecturally significant for its age and rarity, but it is locally important for the story it tells of the history of commerce in Mathews County. The building, though altered several times over the years, still retains much of its original historic fabric and is in surprisingly good condition for its age. Historians such as Randolph Turner from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources have referred to the James Store as "a gem," and have praised the Mathews County Historical Society for the steps they have already taken to preserve the building. However, there is still much to be done to ensure that the building survives in the decades to come, and many decisions to be made regarding its future use. With further investigation and research, local support, and financial assistance from public and private grants, the James Store will continue to teach us much about its history far into the future.